Friday 4 May 2012

I've been so distracted at work today. Jacob hit bottom at the childminder's yesterday. She was at her wits end when I came to pick him up. He'd been naughty all day, banging the toys and not listening to anything that she said. She put him in the naughty corner for a time-out where he'd sat and peeled of her wall-paper. The brand new flowery wall-paper that she put up a couple of weeks ago. She was furious. His settling-in test period was already extended two weeks.

I just stood there, young, unexperienced and utterly incapable of handeling the situatuion. She says he's not listening, throwing food on the floor, being naughty and has got "behaviour problems". I keep thinking she must have confused my son with another child. Sweet, amazing, wonderful Jacob that charmes everone, turned into a little rascal? We went to a playgroup this morning together and he's playing so nicely, sharing his toys. My "mammasvamvetes kurva" is off the scales...

She said she'll give it another two weeks. With her being a lot stricter than us we're trying to inforce the same rules at home so not to confuse Jacob. But I better start looking at nurseries tonight. Perhaps a childminder wasn't the best option for him.

Kram till er.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. hello honey, i came across this just before lin, spoke to ed the other day and really looking forward to seeing you all soon, you are doing nothing wrong, he is only young, and he will test the boundaries to find out what he can get away with, its only natural for him. settling into a new place wither it is a nursery or a childminder can be quite a destressing thing for children, i see this everyday in our nursery, ill inbox you my number and if you want to talk i can talk to you at length, but dont worry about him. i think its rude that its only been a few weeks and this childminder is diagnosing him with a behaviour problem, please dont start panicking about this. give me a ring hun. xxxxxx
